Bokobo - A bit of history

el arte internacional al alcance de tu mano

What is Bokobo?

Bokobo is the artist social network.

We have united for what the artists come together: we want to provoke, we want to be the art revolution, to break down barriers and end up with obstacles and reach our art everywhere.

Why an artist social network?

The first idea arose in 2014, due to the difficulties experienced by the founder of this project, Susana Bokobo, who after writing her first novel was faced with insuperable barriers to be able to publish. A woman of great tenacity like her, did not give up. She continued looking a way to publish her book and thus discovered the terrible situation experienced by creators and artists: more than 80% of the income obtained from the sale of art remains in the hands of others, and the creators hardly perceive enough to live of their art. We bring you national and international art inside your home. We offer you the possibility to choose among the best artists of the moment, having the peace of mind to pay a fair price.

We bring you national and international art inside your home. We offer you the possibility to choose among the best artists of the moment, having the peace of mind to pay a fair price.

And having seen this terrible reality, after many conversations and debates with other creators, in 2017 the first phase of the Bokobo project emerged: Bokobo Cocreation, This project served as a pilot for the launch, the first social network of artists:

This web platform is making the story have another end, getting that only 15% of the amount paid for any work of is dedicated to management expenses, and 85% of that amount directly for the artist

We have worked with much effort and enthusiasm to launch We know how promising this idea is, and that allows us to say without fear of making mistakes, that the trajectory of the team guarantees the project a bright future

At we were very clear from the beginning that we would seek support from people who are passionate about art, from those who enjoy it and consider it an essential ingredient of their own life.

WE WANT SUBSCRIBERS TO BOKOBO.ART. For only € 1 a month subscribers will get exclusive benefits (calendar of events, special prices, etc.), but above all they get the satisfaction of knowing that they are part of an exciting project.